WEBZEN Releases Infographic of MU Legend CBT Success

mulegendzen Date: Dec/12/16 11:53:03 Views: 1840

WEBZEN released the stats of MU Legend's first CBT in the form of an infographic showing off insights into players' choices. Now that the initial test is over, WEBZEN has started preparations for the second global CBT, with dates soon to be announced.


Combined time spent in game: 154 years or 4,854,946,057 seconds

Number of dungeons visited: 1,630,900

Countries where the game was most popular: Brazil, Poland, United States

Times players died at the hands of monsters: 1,854,710

Most popular class: War Mage


MU Legend


WEBZEN plans to run a second global test in 2017, and has also confirmed plans to work on additional localizations of the game (French, German, Brazilian-Portuguese, Spanish and Polish) in order to satisfy the high expectations of its global communities after the two global tests.