MU Legend - What You Will See In Open Beta

mulegendzen Date: Jul/14/17 11:28:28 Views: 1636

MU Online game is one of the pioneering games that make people feel the word "online game" widely after 10 years MU Legend or MU Online II was born in Korea. But over the past few months, with the greatness of MU Legend, Webzen has launched another Global Server, which is now through Closed Beta 2, so it's time to open the Open Beta.



As you know, this sector is a Hack & Slash game, and there are four Blader, War Mage, Dark Lord, and Whisperer games available to choose from. But still the system from the original MU Online a little like animals, riding, wings, blood castles, etc.


Before enter the test, let's see some important elements have been revealed in advance. Firstly, areas with groups of small elves, fairies etc. That leave gold, objects and other valuable items.


Invasion of monsters with boss on a random continent, and random monsters will leave rare items after the kill. Fighting on the huge flying dragon between players and monsters. Extended system of improvements. In a random place on the world maps will appear boss for several groups of players.


The new character, Emphasier who is a character who will be able to master objects and weapons will inflict massive AOE damage. 


PvP combat, which will be divided into zones, among others. In the skies as well as Guild PvP in a specially prepared area for which this area will be fighting battles as well as wind battles between ships and players. Battle of the ship, which will be adapted to PVP, on which it will be possible to create a trap zone and set a defense line adapted to this mob. These will be small areas of the instance to be defeated by the opponent. 


Reaffirmed that it was ready to open in September 2017 with support for German, English, French, Polish, Brazilian-Portuguese and Spanish. This is a hard task for the Webzen team to put in all six languages.